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Harish & Bina Shah Foundation (HBSF)

Harish & Bina Shah Foundation (HBSF) has made the single largest contribution received by the university in its 10-year history. The unrestricted grant is especially focused on driving teaching and research excellence in the humanities disciplines (typically including languages, literature, history and philosophy) and supporting interdisciplinary research initiatives in the social and natural sciences at Ashoka. The grant will be deployed in tranches over a period of 5 years to accelerate the university’s growth.

HBSF is a private charitable foundation based in Mumbai. It was founded in 2002 by industry veterans Harish and Bina Shah, of Signet Excipients Pvt. Ltd., a pharmaceutical raw materials business. With this contribution, HBSF looks to invest in India’s future both at a student and institutional level.

Harish & Bina Shah Foundation (HBSF)

Contact Us

  • Harish and Bina Shah School of Humanities

    Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonipat, Haryana 131029

  • Phone:

    +91 130 230 0000
Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka